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BRAZIL November 2008

From November 11 to 24, 2008, Sheridan Coffey and myself visited South/central Brazil ; click on the links below to see a some of the terrific birds we enjoyed:

an hour east of Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo (Biritiba Mirim marsh, and other marshes on the drive)
Chapada dos Guimaraes, southern Mato Grosso (the National Park plus various side roads through cerrado, gallery forest, and fields)
Alta Floresta, northern Mato Grosso (the forest fragment arounf Floresta Amazonica Hotel)
Pousada Rio Azul, southernmost Para (primary forest and river accessible from the lodge, plus entrance road through campina, and various ranch roads through mostly pasture with forest fragments)
Cristalino, northernmost Mato Grosso (Forest along entrance road, clearing and trails at the lodge, along the Rio Cristalino and Rio Teles Pirres, and trails accessible from these rivers, including a large island)